Saturday, May 20, 2023

Fallacies and the Disturbed Mind: Unraveling the Chain Reaction

इन्द्रियाणि मनो बुद्धिरस्याधिष्ठानमुच्यते ।

एतैर्विमोहयत्येष ज्ञानमावृत्य देहिनम् ॥ ३-४०॥

"The senses, the mind, and the intelligence are the sitting places of desire. Through them, desire covers the real knowledge of the living entity and bewilders them."


We should reflect on why people are not getting peace, why there is chaos in our mind? This is because of desire. Having desire is not wrong but when desires take control of the mind then the mind becomes saturated and conflicts occur. This is a chain reaction. Unfortunately, instead of getting the right knowledge on those desires, we carried away with fake or false knowledge which is also known as fallacy.

Human beings are always disturbed because of desires. We have dreams, aspirations and peer pressure is fueling those. Dreams and aspirations are good and one should strive for it. However we should be clear what we are dreaming and aspiring for. If you are aspiring for something based on false assumptions and fallacies, then failures are inevitable. Dreams and aspirations create desires, desires pushes for actions and if the results of action are different from what is expected, frustration and disappointment is going to happen. So first our aspirations should be based on fair assessment of those aspirations and desires.        

False or fake knowledge is a form of ignorance that leads to attachment and desire. This attachment and desire can lead to a disturbed mind, as it creates a sense of longing and dissatisfaction. when a person holds a belief that is based on fallacy or false knowledge, it can create desires within them. These desires may be unrealistic or unattainable because they are based on inaccurate or incorrect information. As a result, the person may experience a disturbed mind, which can manifest in various ways such as anxiety, frustration, or disappointment.

For example, if a person believes that they can become wealthy quickly by participating in a particular investment scheme that is actually a scam, they may develop a strong desire to invest all of their savings into it. However, because the investment is based on false knowledge, the person is unlikely to receive the returns they were promised, and may even lose all of their money. This can result in significant financial and emotional distress, leading to a disturbed mind. It also happens with the person who is not competent to take the higher position, but his self image is so high that he thinks getting a higher position is his right. Similarly, if a person holds beliefs about themselves or others that are based on false knowledge, this can create desires for outcomes that are unrealistic or unattainable. For example, a person who believes that they are fundamentally flawed may develop a desire for perfection that is impossible to achieve, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

It is possible for us to have desires, wishes or aspirations, but we do not have complete control over whether those desires will be fulfilled. There are many factors beyond our control. 

It is important to recognize that having unfulfilled desires is a common and natural aspect of human experience. While it can be disappointing or frustrating when our desires are not met, it is important to maintain perspective and focus on the things that are within our control, such as our own actions, attitudes, and responses to the world around us.

Please respond the survey, I am conducting, as a part of my research by clicking on >> Leadership Competencies required for managers while handling crisis situations

(Opinions are purely personal & does not represent my organizations, current or past) 

Author's books are available on AmazonFlipkartPothi and BookGanga. You can buy the print copy of Vitality in Human Resources on amazon. Click >> Vitality in Human Resource: Adding human dimensions in HR processes   

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Karmic Block

यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयं कर्मबन्धनः ।

तदर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्तसङ्गः समाचर ॥ ३-९॥

"Work done as a sacrifice for Vishnu [God] has to be performed; otherwise, work causes bondage in this material world. Therefore, O son of Kunti [Arjuna], perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way, you will always remain free from bondage."

Our actions have consequences and can either lead to freedom or bondage, depending on whether they are performed as a sacrifice for the divine or for personal gain.

कर्मणो ह्यपि बोद्धव्यं बोद्धव्यं च विकर्मणः ।

अकर्मणश्च बोद्धव्यं गहना कर्मणो गतिः ॥ ४-१७॥

Those who are ignorant of the nature of karma are bound by it, while those who understand it are freed from it: "The intricacies of action are very hard to understand. Therefore, one should know properly what action is, what forbidden action is, and what inaction is. One’s transcendental consciousness should be merged with the understanding of these facts. With such an understanding, one can give up the result of action."

What is a Karmic block?

Karmic block is a concept in spirituality that refers to the obstacles or negative patterns in one's life that are believed to be the result of unresolved issues or actions from past lives. This is also possible when there are some issues and experiences in early age. It is based on the idea of karma, which suggests that every action we take has consequences that affect our future experiences. Karmic blocks also can be because of unresolved issues, actions and experiences from your childhood, the surroundings and society.   

According to this belief, unresolved issues or negative actions from past lives can create karmic energy that carries over into our present life, and this energy can manifest as blockages or obstacles that prevent us from achieving our goals or finding happiness.

Karmic blocks can take various forms, such as physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual obstacles, and they can affect different aspects of our lives, including our relationships, health, career, and personal growth.

To overcome karmic blocks, some people turn to spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or energy healing, while others seek guidance from spiritual teachers or therapists to help them identify and release the underlying issues that are causing the blocks.

Why should one know about it?

The application of understanding karmic blocks is primarily in personal and spiritual growth. By recognizing and addressing these blocks, individuals can free themselves from limiting beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that may be hindering their progress and well-being.

For example, if someone has a karmic block related to self-worth, they may find themselves repeatedly facing situations where they feel undervalued or unappreciated. By identifying and releasing this block, they can begin to attract more positive experiences that align with their true worth and potential.

Additionally, understanding karmic blocks can help individuals to take responsibility for their actions and choices, as they recognize that their present circumstances are not just random events, but the result of their past actions and energy.

Types of Karmic Blocks

There are different types of karmic blocks that can affect various aspects of our lives. Here are some examples:

Emotional blockages: These are related to unresolved emotional issues, such as fear, anger, grief, or guilt. These emotions can create energetic blockages that prevent us from experiencing emotional balance and well-being.

Relationship blockages: These are related to patterns in our relationships that prevent us from experiencing healthy and fulfilling connections with others. These patterns may be related to past traumas or unresolved issues from past lives.

Financial blockages: These are related to patterns of lack, scarcity, or financial struggle. These patterns may be related to beliefs or behaviors that prevent us from attracting abundance and prosperity.

Health blockages: These are related to patterns of illness or disease that may be caused by unresolved emotional or spiritual issues. These blockages may also be related to past-life experiences or karmic energy.

Spiritual blockages: These are related to patterns of disconnection or disempowerment in our spiritual lives. These patterns may prevent us from experiencing a deeper connection with our spiritual nature or may prevent us from realizing our spiritual potential.

It is important to note that these types of karmic blockages may overlap or be interconnected, and that the process of identifying and releasing them may require a holistic approach that addresses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being.

Process of identifying Karmic Blocks

Identifying karmic blocks can be a complex process, and it often requires self-reflection and inner exploration. Here are some steps that can help you identify your karmic blocks:

Look for patterns: Notice if there are recurring negative patterns in your life, such as repeatedly attracting toxic relationships or experiencing financial struggles. These patterns may be a sign of a karmic block.

Pay attention to your emotions: Notice any emotions that you consistently feel, such as fear, anger, or shame. These emotions may be a clue to an unresolved issue from a past life or early experiences.

Examine your beliefs: Look at any limiting beliefs that you hold about yourself, others, or the world. These beliefs may be rooted in a past life experience or karmic energy.

Seek guidance: Consider seeking guidance from a spiritual teacher, therapist, or healer who can help you explore your past lives and identify any karmic blocks.

Practice self-reflection: Regularly practice self-reflection, journaling, or meditation to deepen your understanding of yourself and your energy patterns.

Identifying the source of karmic block

Identifying the source of karmic blocks involves exploring and understanding the complex web of actions, thoughts, and beliefs that have shaped your current reality. However, here are some steps you can take to help identify the source of your karmic blocks:

Reflect on your current situation: Start by reflecting on the specific area of your life where you feel blocked. What challenges are you facing, and what patterns or themes do you notice? Try to be as honest and objective as possible.

Explore your past experiences: Look back on your past experiences and try to identify any patterns or themes that may be contributing to your karmic block. This could include past actions or decisions that you may have made that could be impacting your current situation.

Examine your beliefs and thought patterns: Consider your beliefs and thought patterns surrounding the area of your life where you feel blocked. Are there any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that could be contributing to your block?

Seek guidance: Consider seeking guidance from a trusted mentor, coach, or spiritual teacher who can help you gain a deeper understanding of your karmic block and provide support and guidance as you work to overcome it.

Practice self-reflection and mindfulness: Spend time in quiet reflection and meditation, paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. This can help you identify any patterns or themes that may be contributing to your karmic block.

Keep a journal: Writing down your thoughts and experiences in a journal can help you gain a deeper understanding of your karmic block and identify any patterns or themes that may be contributing to it.
It may take time and effort to gain a clear understanding of the complex factors that have shaped your current reality. Be patient with yourself and stay committed to the process, knowing that each step you take will bring you closer to living the life you truly desire.

How to release the Karmic Blocks

The process of identifying and releasing karmic blocks can take time and may require patience and self-compassion. Be open to the journey and trust that the insights you gain will ultimately support your growth and well-being. Removing karmic blocks is a process that can take time and may require self-reflection, inner work, and a willingness to let go of limiting beliefs and patterns. Here are some steps that can help in removing karmic blocks:

Acknowledge the block: The first step is to acknowledge that a karmic block exists and to be willing to explore it with an open mind.

Identify the root cause: Identify the root cause of the block by exploring the patterns and emotions that are associated with it. Seek guidance from a spiritual teacher or therapist if necessary.

Release negative energy: Practice techniques such as meditation, energy healing, or breathwork to release negative energy and emotions associated with the block.

Reframe limiting beliefs: Identify and reframe limiting beliefs that are associated with the block. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations that support personal growth and well-being.

Take action: Take positive actions that align with your true nature and support your spiritual growth. This could include engaging in spiritual practices, volunteering, or taking steps towards personal or professional goals.

Practice self-compassion: Be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout the process. Remember that removing karmic blocks is a journey, and it is important to give yourself time and space to heal and grow.

The process of removing karmic blocks is unique to each individual and may require a combination of different techniques and approaches. The key is to remain committed to the process and to trust in your own intuition and guidance as you move forward.

(Opinions are purely personal & does not represent my organizations, current or past) 

Please respond the survey, I am conducting, as a part of my research by clicking on >> Leadership Competencies required for managers while handling crisis situations

Author's books are available on AmazonFlipkartPothi and BookGanga. You can buy the print copy of Vitality in Human Resources on amazon. Click >> Vitality in Human Resource: Adding human dimensions in HR processes   

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