I could not post a single blog for last 4 weeks and I started to receive questions.
“Vinod, are you still in dream?”
“Have you stop writing?”
“Vinod, what’s happened to your “want to”?
“Where are you? We are waiting new post.”
“Every Monday after lunch, I read the post and now I am missing something.”
“Your writing is informative and I am missing something new.”
Thanks for all for remembering me. I appreciate.
I am receiving mails, calls and updates from my blog followers and regular readers for last one month.
I haven’t stop writing. Today, I still “want to” write and discuss on. However, I have taken a break deliberately on this. Sometimes you need to take the break to refresh your mind. I was not on holidays, but was busy with some personal and professional priorities and I thought that this is the right opportunity to take a break, (though I could have written something and really don’t wanted to write for the sake of writing.).
This is a new start now.
Please wait for my next blog in next week…