It doesn't matter what your intentions are or how high you set your goals; what you'll be remembered for is what you accomplish...
After few hours, we will be in 2019, in a new year.. and this is my first blog in a new year. however what is the different in new year?…
for nature it is same, for universe it is same… universe has completed just one
lap…but everything will be same, except your thinking. Mentally we have
accepted that with the change of year on the calendar, something new is ahead…and we should think
actually for something new. Celebration of new year is the ritual, but it
should not be only the celebration or ritual… it should be the celebration of
adopting something new; Changing something and being more matured and stronger.
The way forward in fulfilling your dreams.

Of course
this is also the opportunity to change our outdated belief and habits. Do you
welcome the change?
know it is very difficult, but if you have a right attitude and faith on the
power…power of this universe which has the ability to convert odd into opportunities…then
accepting the change is very easy. For this flexibility is the key.
is to maintain a strong belief that no matter what happens, you will get
through it. Know, deep in your heart of hearts,
that you are bigger and stronger than any outside force and
you look back and introspect, you will realized that everything what you did or
achieved gave you a different experience and you came out from the odd
situation. You achieve something because you can do it. You have already proved
that you have lot of potential and you are ready to take new challenges in
that if life gives you lemons, make lemonade…
one think you should do and that is, Promise… Promise to yourself…
yourself, your family and the supreme power which believe that you will peruse
the change you wish and the dream you have to the best of your ability.
deserve to get what you dream and what you think…. But take actions…