Anyway, the
bus was fully crowded. The conductor of the bus got irritated with people. This
was his daily job to handle passengers mostly from villages, sometimes
passengers without tickets.
gets a sigh of relief after all passengers settle. My teachers leans towards
the conductor and starts the conversation…
“It must be
difficult to manage such crowd.”
“Yes, but
what to do, this is the life for me.” Conductor responded.
“I must tell
you; you are doing a great job, it is very difficult to handle this big crowd. It
is very difficult job. After all, you also have to prepare the accurate account
statement and reconcile your ticket sell. Though this is your routine job, you
do it well. I appreciate you. ”
continued, however I decided to take a nap.
After getting
down, I gave my unwarranted feedback to the teacher, “Sir, you were speaking with
the conductor and I heard you were appreciating him. I thought, what he is
doing is his job, what’s great in it?”
“Yes child,
but you see the difference after that. He pull the bell to stop the bus at next
stop, somebody at that stop must have needed to get in the bus to reach the
office on time; he helped one old lady to get in the bus; next to that he was
cool and cracking some jokes. His gestures has resulted into the chain of
reaction, positive reactions. The person who needed to reach office on time
will be on time in office, his boss would be happy. That old lady would be be
happy. The atmosphere in the bus was happy. Further it must have positive
impact on all. Just imagine the next positive reactions of people….”
“We should
not forget the small gestures. I have not spend anything, only few words for
appreciating that conductor, but I made his day, he made others’ day… see the
difference” he continued.
In our
traditional culture, we don’t appreciate frequently. Even in families and
relations, we just ignore this appreciation. Our families do lot many things
for us; they live for us, however we never say “thanks you” to them. If you drop something
on the floor and somebody helps you to get it back, we mechanically say,
“thanks, thank you” to that somebody, who may be the stranger.
However your
wife daily makes food for you, give everything to you when you drop something,
you would not say thanks to her. Parents give your everything, they work hard
so that you get good education and be on your own in your future life, you
don’t appreciate their efforts. Your children bring happiness in your life,
still you don’t say, thanks to them.
We just
assume that that is their duty. What’s the big deal in that. Not necessary you
have to say it verbally, however do we recognize them through some gestures?
has its own power.
has different meanings. Commonly it means recognition.
meaning of appreciation is “recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of
someone or something.”
dictionary meaning of appreciation means,
“increase in monetary value.”
And both
meanings are interrelated. By giving appreciation, you recognize good
qualities, but you also increase value in relationship. It may not give the
monetary benefits, but creates more value in relationships which has worth than
monitory benefits.
Everyone wants to feel appreciated and everyone values a
simple ‘thank you,’. This doesn't happen enough in the workplace or in families,
but showing simple forms of appreciation can really go a long way in motivating
people to work harder and be more productive.
“As we express
our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to
utter words, but to live by them”. JKF Kennedy.
Very true. Appreciation makes a huge difference not only in the professional life of a person, but also in his/her personal life. Appreciation is the most important motivating factor at work place and all managers must use this for maintaining high morale of their sub-ordinates.
Dear Vinod
I fully agree. A word of appreciation increases the output two times. morale remains high. I have been in HR for 35 years. I know how i used to feel when appreciated. But appreciation should be genuine. After 35 years in corporates , Iam now professor teaching HR with JSS college ,Mysore. Do let me know if u r this part of the country,. My Mob is 91-9845550536.
Prof Tareen.
Very good example of what happens in India very routinely even now. On a regular basis I have a similar experience with the traffic police of Bangalore. They work day in and day out relentlessly and keep it moving. Ever tried giving him a compliment when he is clearing traffic in our very notorious traffic jams when it rains in the evening and when Bagaloreans are heading home in their swanky cars? A thousand volts big smile on his face and a sudden display of adrenaline on the job is something that makes one realize the power of appreciation.
It is true, in today's life we forget the values,
Very good article!!
Hi Vinod , nice one . Looking forward to meet soon .
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