There is one
controversial reality show aired on colour every day. The show is hosted by Salman Khan, who is also
known for his controversy for fighting, road rage and Chinkara hunting. You
must be aware of this show, Bigg Boss season 7. His show is utter nonsense.
10-13 celebrities and who are unsuccessful in their profession or career or
celebrities who are struggling to build
the career are put together under the 24 hours camera surveillance for 3-4
months. Finally who survives there till the end is the winner of the show. This show is full of controversies, violence,
anger, love & hate relationships,
politics etc. Participants can go extreme for the winning. They called this
show as a game. So called Big Boss controls the behavior for getting the high
TRP and off course more advertisement revenue. Viewers are asked to send the
sms to save their favorite participants. There must be some PR agencies who are
working for these celebrities to get the support from viewers by posting
comments on Facebook page, sending sms and writing on different platforms.
of this show or the host or so called Big Boss propagate that the behavior of
the participants in the show is natural and not scripted (which I really
doubt). But if this show is not scripted, then it is interesting to study the
behavior of all participants. It is also interesting to study the human
behavior, their background and their response under specific circumstances. All
the circumstances and situations triggered artificially so that viewers are
engaged in the show. You can easily interpret the personality of participants
if you see their response. If we believe that this show is natural and the
participants’ response is natural to the situation, then you can understand the
traits of the people. Don’t you think that these personalities are also among
and around us? Let’s take examples of different participants and try to find
the traits of these participants and then relate them to the people in your
organization, society, friend circle…You also will see the clear link between their
family background, their upbringing and their behavior.
Gauhar Khan: Gauhar Khan is
always busy in politics. When it comes to the others, it is fair, but when it
comes to her, it is injustice according to her. She is fake, manipulative and
emotional blackmailer. In whole show, she manipulated other participants, including
her lover who is kick out from the show. Just observe her conversation, she
discusses about the people and not the events. She manipulated Andy, Sangam,
Pratushya, Kamaya, Kushal. You should be very careful of such types of people
around you. They use people for their own agenda. Good face with full of
negativity…Her ego status is “Critical Parent Ego” and her interaction
style is “I am OK, you are NOT OK.”
Tanishaa: Her background is humble, she is from reputed family. She carries her
family values. It is also reflected in her behavior. She may be diplomatic but
does not play dirty politics. She is very positive, with good leadership
qualities. Assertive in communication and good human being. She makes mistakes,
but reflects on the same. Very natural and composed personality. Her ego state
is “Adult Ego” and she also switches her ego state to “free child ego”
state and her interaction style is “I am OK, you are OK which is the best
style of interaction.
Armaan: Son of the successful film director,
started as a child actor. He is pampered child but unsuccessful in his career.
Armaan seems to be frustrated, good human being, but his anger makes him
unpopular. He is unpredictable. Armaan should understand his anger will lead
his life in mess. His ego state is “Rebellious Child ego” and he also
switches his ego state to “Parent ego” state. His interaction style is,
“I am OK, you are NOT OK”. Armaan should
seriously consider for anger management counseling.
Andy: Andy is entertainer, he is open and
transparent. He has his own views and expresses as and when required. He is natural in
behavior. His ego state is “free child”, he also switches is style to “Adult
ego” state. His interaction style is also like Tanishaa, “I am OK, you
are OK.”
Sangram: Sangram is good
human being. He must have experienced lot of struggle in his life. He is also humble and very straight forward.
His dominant ego state is “adopted child” and hence sometimes he is not
confident what he says. He goes back foot, he is not political even not a
diplomatic person. He tries to switch his ego state to “Adult ego” which is
good. His interaction style is “I am not OK, you are OK . Sangram should come
out from his adopted child ego state.
Kamaya: Kamaya is silent and assertive. She is
good human being. She has her own opinions but lot of baggage in her mind. Her
ego state is “Critical Parent” and her interaction style is “I am OK, you are
not OK ” Kamaya has a good potential to grow and she sometimes switches her ego
states to “Adult ego” state unlike Gauhar Khan.
Among other
participants, Pratushya does not have
her own opinion. She is childish and immature. Even Elli is also really good and gentle woman. She is natural and her ego state is Child ego and sitching to Adult ego as per the situation. Elli is really a good girl.
Newcomers, Candy and Sophiya are good in nature. They are matured and
their ego state is also Child ego which is natural human being and they switch
their ego states to Adult ego state depending upon the situation. This is good
for the normal person. Their interaction
style, I am OK, you are OK.”
If Bigg
Boss is the reality show which is not scripted, then this is a good lab for
studying human behavior. If you are hiring manager and based on the lab, you
are supposed to hire to whom you will hire in your team?
I must say that this is an excellent analysis. Interesting. Looking more on this topic.
This is the best analysis of all in the show...we are idiots who see such shows.
What analysis you have written, what ever salmaan is doing you have written the same so its all bakwass
Vinod, as you rightly said, the behaviour of the person is totally constructed on his family background. Surprisingly some stupid viewers endorse the behaviour of this guys and even some are supporting Kushal. This also shows the inclination of today's generation. Parents need to work a lot on their children, otherwise they will kick them out.
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