Karan joined the MNC in finance to head one of the departments. He was doing good and his boss was happy with him. He was confident but always blamed others. After a few months he started crying on his status & salary. He started comparing himself with others. According to him he was great and indispensable. His manager increased his salary but again he started crying on his grade. His grade was also upgraded after 2 years. Now he was positioned decently in the organization, however he again started crying for the new role. His manager recommended him for a new role and he also got that. However, after 1 year he was asked to resign. His new manager, who was also a solid leader, had high expectations from him as his earlier manager had given solid feedback about him. Somehow Karan could not cope with the expectations and finally he was put on PIP. The issue was the inflated self-esteem of Karan. His earlier manager nurtured his inflated esteem and never gave the right feedback to Karan.
You must have seen a lot of such Karan who do great with one manager but not with another. One reason is the esteem of the person. Karan applied to a lot of companies, but he could not get the job which he was enjoying in earlier company. His inflated self-esteem ruined his career.
Sandesh is another employee who was promoted
after Karan moved into another role. However, Sandesh was always doubtful about
everything. He was not confident about himself. He thought that he was not
ready for the role. He was sceptical about taking such large responsibilities.
He wanted to go slow. According to his manager Sandesh has that functional
skills and he could develop on his other behavioural skills. Sandesh took the
role but could not perform. He always used to struggle while communicating with
seniors. He was always undervaluing himself.
Sandesh was exactly opposite Karan who was not
confident, didn't want to take decisions. Such people don’t trust their other
possibilities. They get carried away by every situation. If something goes
wrong their self-esteem drops.
Sandesh was the victim of low self-esteem.
Over a period of time with proper coaching, Sandesh improved drastically. He
became a performing employee.
“What is right self-esteem is the question and if you want to enjoy life, your esteem is the key. You should have a high self-esteem.”
Let’s understand about self -esteem.
Self-esteem is a way of thinking and feeling
about self. You can’t see it, you can’t hear it, you can’t touch it, but you
can feel it and it is there when you speak about yourself. It is a self -worth
or your personal value.
Your potential to achieve something totally
depends upon your self-esteem. If it is inflated or low chances of failure are
more compared to high self- esteem. When
people experience positive self-esteem, they feel & look good.
When a child is born, s/he doesn’t see himself
good or bad. People around her help her to develop self-esteem as she grows.
Sometimes continuous failures and situations affect your self-esteem and you
think yourself useless.
It is possible that during covid19 situation,
people may have lost their job, they must be disappointed because of the
uncertain future. Few must be depressed, and it is vital to understand how to overcome
the low self-esteem.
Following are a few tips to keep
your self-esteem high.
Don’t compare: Don’t compare yourself with
others. Life is not the race. You need the right time to achieve something.
Somebody may achieve something at an early age however somebody takes time.
Wait for that right moment and right time.
Take pride: Feel proud about yourself.
Recollect those moments when you do something different and achieve something,
small or big doesn’t matter. Feel proud about others who are close to you.
Take interest: Think, how can you make your day
interesting? Follow your hobbies, speak with inspiring people, listen to their
lectures, read books.
Think positive: What is that one thing positive
you saw daily? Feel good about that positive experience.
Control feeling: Acknowledge the situation and
don’t react. Situation triggers the thought but before reacting, take a pause,
think and then respond. You can control your thoughts and behaviours by doing
Giving something: Have you done something for
somebody? Try to give something, support, help, anything. What you give, it
comes back with abundance.
Fun: Enjoy life. You only go through life once, so
make the best of it. Love yourself. Do
the fun.
Keep in mind that it is difficult to escape from
inflated or low self-esteem, but if you are among the people who have high
self-esteem, even if you occasionally give in to the instability of certain
situations, you are much closer to achieving the happiness and satisfaction in
life that will make you feel blessed.
Remember that famous quote,” Your biggest enemy is yourself, so be your best friend”.
Wish you all a happy Teachers Day!
Please read the print replica of my latest book written for leaders on amazon kindle; Vitality in Human Resource
Fantastic article. All over globe millions of people are under stress, fear and anxiety of what unknown is coming to them. They are not ready for this unknown future slowly stepping in. They are not able to predict. It may be good or bad. To stay clam and fearless in this situation is challenging. However happiness is within and no one can steal that from you. The ways narrated of utilising this time and keeping oneself happy narrated will be useful to many. Thanks !
Fantastic article. All over globe millions of people are under stress, fear and anxiety of what unknown is coming to them. They are not ready for this unknown future slowly stepping in. They are not able to predict. It may be good or bad. To stay clam and fearless in this situation is challenging. However happiness is within and no one can steal that from you. The ways narrated of utilising this time and keeping oneself happy narrated will be useful to many. Thanks !
Fantastic article. All over globe millions of people are under stress, fear and anxiety of what unknown is coming to them. They are not ready for this unknown future slowly stepping in. They are not able to predict. It may be good or bad. To stay clam and fearless in this situation is challenging. However happiness is within and no one can steal that from you. The ways narrated of utilising this time and keeping oneself happy narrated will be useful to many. Thanks !
Its really good writeup and pinpoint blog.
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