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In this changing world you don’t know what is there in the future but you can predict the future. We travel through life looking for success. If we consider life as a game, We all have that choice to create a new kind of game to survive regardless of what others are doing. You can create your rules based on your values to win, you can make your strategies and design your success through your objectives and actions, however it is important to be flexible to redefine the game.
Everybody has the power to invent the game though we don’t realize it. We don’t need to follow someone else’s rules. Only one thing we need and that is “a beginner’s mind”. A beginner’s mind means having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level. How can you do it as we all have some assumptions and a lot of baggage?
Instead of following rules we need to create those. For that you need the eye of an artist.
My wife (Read her blog here Art and Colours In Life) is an artist by heart and doctor by profession. She has created amazing artifacts and paintings. She has only siporex blocks, blank papers or canvases, random material required, that’s it. But she knows. - that the block or blank page (or empty canvas) can become anything.
- that any drawing can be changed, erased, or thrown out at any time.
- how to step back and shape the picture until she is happy.
So life is like that. You can create anything in your life. If required you can change the course of action, erase earlier learnings and change everything if required.
Everybody has the opportunity to create a new game of life. The game should have promise. Promise to be successful and winner. Every player has the potential to win however it depends upon how you design your game. During this process, you may make yourself uncomfortable with yourself and others. You may get challenges. People may force you to change the rules of the game but understand it is your game, you make your strategies and rules, of course in an ethical way, you create the masterpiece and then you say what’s next?
(Opinions are purely personal & does not represent my organizations, current or past)
Nicely explained with an example. Yes we c as n create our own rules to design our game
Nicely explained with an example. Yes we c as n create our own rules to design our game
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