“देणाऱ्याने देत
I used to travel daily to the college
by state transport bus. It was Ojhar (where the factory of Mig fighter planes
is located) to Nashik. Bus was always
crowded, and most of the time the travel was by standing. It was starting March
and we were preparing for the examinations. One day, I took the bus and
fortunately I got the seat to relax while travelling. After few minutes when
bus started on Highway, there was a huge
crowd of vehicles on the road stuck up in the traffic jam. Whole route was jam. There was no guarantee that we would reach at
college on time, however there was no point to go back. I decided to face what
is there as the whole situation was not in our control. Vehicles were moving
with slow pace.
lean towards the old lady and asked her what she was carrying in that heavy
bag. Bag was with groundnut. She was taking the bag for her daughter from his
farm. He asked her to give some for him. He also shared few with us.
mentioned the few lines of famous
Marathi poet & Dyanapith awardee, Mr. Vinda Karandikar. Lines are as
“देणाऱ्याने देत जावे,
घेणाऱ्याने घेत जावें,
घेता घेता देणाऱ्याचे हात घ्यावे..”.
means the donor should donate, receiver should receive alongwith the intention
of donor & character of donor….
a beautiful poem he recited? Surprisingly,
I had not expected this from ordinary bus conductor. Speaking about Literature & poem and
interpreting the meaning is not easy. On the request he recited few more poems
of other poets. He also discussed about
Marathi and English Literature... Though I was studying science, it was also my
interesting area. Most interestingly he also was interpreting the meaning behind
was double post graduate in Art & Literature and doing research. He told me
that literature as his hobby which give him motivation to do his thankless job.
He was committed and spreading the joy in his bus. That day, It took 3 hours to
reach at the destination but the journey was enriching and delighted. When I
left the bus, I had a new friend. I was almost travelling regularly in his bus.
We shared the discussion over a cup of tea at bus station.
I shifted to Nashik city and then lost his contact. However
I remember him whenever I read or listen the poem.. “देणाऱ्याने देत जावे… I learnt a
life philosophy from him… to be happy and make others
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